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Quotes worth stealing June 16, 2017

Posted by Ubi Dubium in Responses.
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I ran across a couple of amazing quotes recently, from a couple of my favorite bloggers.  They are too good not to share, plus making a post will help me remember them.

First, this is from the latest post at Neil Carter’s Godless in Dixie,

Our religions don’t make us who we are. We just are who we are, and we learn to tell different stories about ourselves. We simply change lenses through which we see ourselves. That’s all.

And then I found this gem from Captain Cassidy at Roll to Disbelieve:

When a broken system and a toxic worldview love each other very, very much, they create hypocrites.

These are worthy of T-shirts!  I wish I could write like that.

Dorothy and Buzz August 29, 2014

Posted by Ubi Dubium in Responses.
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For a long time I’ve used this movie scene as an example when discussing deconversion:


Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!

Once Dorothy has seen through the humbug, she can never go back to believing in the “Great and Powerful OZ”.

But Neil Carter, over at Godless in Dixie, has posted another movie reference that I really liked:



…not a flying toy…

As good an example as The Wizard of OZ is, Toy Story and its sequels might be an even better (and more current) example. Please go read Neil’s excellent post, it’s really a keeper.

I especially like this scene from Toy Story 2, when Buzz encounters a “true believer””

Buzz Lightyear #2: Buzz Lightyear to Star Command. I have an AWOL Space Ranger.

Buzz Lightyear: Tell me I wasn’t this deluded…

Buzz Lightyear #2: No back talk! I have a laser, and I will really use it.

Buzz Lightyear: You mean a laser that’s a lightbulb?

Buzz Lightyear #2: Has your mind been melted? You could have killed me, Space Ranger! Or should I say, “traitor?”

Buzz Lightyear: I don’t have time for this…

Evangelists, when you show up trying to tell me for the umpteenth time how special your relationship with god is, that’s exactly how I feel.  You aren’t a Space Ranger messenger from the almighty, you aren’t locked in an epic battle with the Evil Emperor Zurg Satan, you don’t have a laser magic book with all the answers, you can’t fly heal people through prayer, you are a TOY regular person like the rest of us!!!!


Toy Story