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Thanksgiving…urm…tradition November 24, 2016

Posted by Ubi Dubium in Humor.
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I’m going to try to lighten up, and at least act like I’m feeling better.  (Even if I’m not.)

So I’m going to give my personal hat tip to one of my favorite websites, that always makes Thanksgiving more memorable.  That website, of course, is Cake Wrecks.  Because somehow, one of the things that can lift my spirits is a really ineptly decorated cake.

And every year at this time, Cake Wrecks posts bakeries’ attempts to create turkey cakes.  But, since they always use brown icing, the head and neck of the turkey usually come out looking like poo.  But sometimes they make it extra special, and they give us –

The traditional thanksgiving poo-wang.  Please visit Cake Wrecks today for a splendid selection of these.

Well, a couple of days ago, I was at a Giant Food supermarket near my office, and I decided to check out the bakery, and was not disappointed.

While not as spectacular as the ones on Cake Wrecks, I certainly got a smile out of what I found, so I snapped a couple of photos of the good ones.


Like winky here.



Or this.  I’m not sure what is happening here.  I like the Cookie Monster eyes, but I’m having trouble figuring out what is going on with the beak.  It seems to be dribbling down his chin.

Hope everybody ate pie today!


1. Carmen - November 24, 2016

Those would definitely lighten the mood. I laughed out loud. 🙂 I particularly enjoy ‘Pinterest Fails’. . . because, as you can probably guess, I’ve had some of those. I really should have taken pictures, because I could never tell you a true story that you’d believe . . .one really WAS that a complete fail. It’s reassuring to know that others screw up as badly as me.

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Ubi Dubium - November 25, 2016

And what’s really amazing to me is that the cakes on Cake Wrecks are professionally made cakes. These aren’t just a home baker screwing up, somebody expected to be paid for those things!


2. Carmen - November 24, 2016

Here I am, back again. I looked at that site – good thing I’m here by myself, because I was/am positively CACKLING!! Those cakes would make a dog laugh. . . seriously!

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3. Steve Morris - November 25, 2016

Let me try to understand. (I’m British.) On a day when everyone eats turkey, someone thinks it’s a good idea to pair that with a turkey-decorated dessert. I think the problem started way before anyone started mixing up the brown icing.

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